How to Speak in Unknown Tongues

See also: "101 Reasons to Speak in Tongues"

and: "Tongues Will Unify the Church in the Last Days"

and: "Amazing Word from the Lord Jesus Christ about Tongues"

How to Speak in Unknown Tongues

"I would that ye all spake with tongues ..." 1Cor.14:5


Dear Reader, If you are ready right now to speak in tongues, scroll to *middle, or click here. God bless you!


When the believers in Acts Chapters 2,10,11, and 19 spoke in tongues, the speakers did not expect an interpretation; neither did they know such a gift as 'interpretation of tongues' existed. Paul taught about the interpretation of tongues years later in his first letter to the Corinthians. The only record in Acts regarding  the tongues being understood by men ---appears in Acts 2. Even among Pentecostals, there is an argument about how these tongues were understood that day in Acts 2 ---  supernatural understanding or natural understanding?  We won't broach that subject here.

We can always learn and grow more in Christ. If a denomination told you that you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, yet they discourage you from speaking in tongues or being near anyone that speaks in tongues, please be humble and receive the free gift He desires to give to you. Tongues isn't salvation. It is for persons already saved. It is a Spirit-given prayer for inner edification, so you can in turn edify others in love.


Denominations and churches that omit tongues from their services and meetings may use some of the 16 excuses listed in our article on How to Receive the "Upon" Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Those that grudgingly admit that there may be tongues today severely limit tongues especially for this following reason: They believe that ALL tongues must be interpreted, if the tongue is overheard. This teaching comes from inexperience; inexperience in the Gifts is naturally expected in a church that is anti-tongues. It is circular reasoning. A church against tongues will never learn how to allow the Lord to move amongst the congregation in the Spiritual Gifts.

It saddens the Lord Jesus Christ that "tongues" have become this gargantuan barrier in the Body of Christ. Because tongues are so easily and commonly received of all gifts --- these tongues have become a sign of whether a church has any of the gifts AT ALL! This is why people get so angry about tongues -- because of pride. Tongues is a litmus test in the Spirit realm. -- But tongues should not cause pride among the possessors; neither should tongues anger those who've yet to receive; Why? -- because tongues is a GIFT! A gift is not earned. The way to receive the grace of God is to humble yourself in the sight of the Lord.


Those that have moved in the power of Pentecost for many years know that there is a gift of tongues sometimes referred to as the "prayer language" or "sign" of having received the UPON-baptism of the Holy Ghost, as compared to the OTHER kind of tongue that is one of the nine gifts in 1Cor.12:8-10. The first tongue in the sentence above edifies only the speaker. It is the 'sign gift'. The tongue listed in 1Cor.12:30 is a 'congregational' tongue for meetings; this gift edifies MORE THAN the speaker himself, that is, WHEN it is properly interpreted by the 1Cor.12 gift of interpretation. That word, 'interpretation', is important. Why? --because the spiritual tongue is NOT translated ... it is interpreted by God! God gives the meaning. Hence, the meaning of a paragraph (or more) in tongues may be a few words in a known language; or the meaning of a few words in tongues may be a paragraph(s) in a known language.

The interpretation of the tongue equals the benefits of prophecy, but the interpretation is NOT always prophecy. Prophecy is God speaking to man through man; tongues is man speaking to God by the enablement from God. The interpretation of a Public tongue can reflect either of the two: God speaking to man, or man speaking to God. The Private tongue known as the 'prayer language' is not interpretted, but it is prayer, praise, blessing, thanks, declaration, and songs, from man's heart unto God.


1Cor.12:28-30 says: 

28 "And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?"

The answer in the context above is --- all do NOT speak in tongues as a Public Gift for the Church Body; and that specific Gift is also the tongue that MUST be interpreted.

HOWEVER the "sign" gift of having received the filling or over-flowing of the Holy Spirit is the private "prayer language" available to all for each believer's personal edification, building up yourself on your most holy faith. Why? -- The Lord wants all believers to be built up by praying in the Holy Ghost. God loves you as much as He loves the famous preacher. You may not ever be a famous preacher, but you all can speak in tongues if you simply ask the Father.

But there is one last innocent misunderstanding or hindrance that we need to address right now, which is the crux of this paper. Hopefully it will change your life:

There are people who have genuinely sought the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in unknown tongues AND have NOT received the 'sign' of tongues --- These same people often quit seeking because of a simple common misconception --- THEY EXPECT GOD TO MOVE THEIR TONGUE FOR THEM!!

NO! God gives YOU the utterance. He gives YOU the ABILITY. But YOU have to by faith move the muscles of your lips and tongue and jaws, and force the air up with your diaphragm through your vocal chords and touch your tongue to your palette and teeth and move your lips. Don't expect to hear or see words in your mind; the prayer language comes directly from your heart bypassing the mind.


*Herewith let me give you my brief personal testimony; I believe it will greatly assist all those with a pure heart seeking to speak in tongues:


 When I got saved it was like getting shot out of a cannon. I felt the Holy Spirit come all over my heart like tender warm oil. I knew I was on the fulcrum of a decision and needed to let the oil of the Spirit into my heart.  It was my last chance!

Simultaneously I knew that this  meant surrendering the control of my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. When I did surrender, then I knew I knew I knew God personally, and that I was from henceforth a changed and forgiven person with a 'clean slate'.


'Fortunately', or better said, I was 'blest' to be saved in a church that believed that a saved person should ask for the UPON baptism with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was already "in" me, but not "upon" me.

In the next few weeks I asked the Lord for this many times. Twice I had the elders of the church lay hands upon me that I might receive this Gift of the Spirit upon me. You can in your own study look up the Scriptures regarding laying on of hands. I felt the power, but did not speak in tongues.

One day I was sitting in my car alone asking God and myself why I hadn't received tongues yet. I was taught correctly, so I fully believed that tongues is for all believers because God loves us all and wants all to pray to Him supernaturally in those times when our mind doesn't know how to pray. I know that the Father wants to give good gifts to His children, and "Ye have not, because ye ask not."

-- Well, I had asked with a pure heart and clean motives. Therefore I very simply concluded that I must have ALREADY received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. I didn't need to feel the 'power' come upon me. The power was ALREADY there, because I asked, and this is something in God's perfect will that He wants ALL to have.

Now, you need to know that I have always had an inferiority complex, so if you'd told me that 99% of Christians can speak in tongues, I would've assumed that I'm the one per cent that is going to be skipped. But since I was told and believed that tongues is for ALL, I reckoned it to be just as God has written. I already HAD tongues, because I had ASKED Him for tongues.


So by faith I began to move my tongue and lips, pushing the air up my throat, vibrating my vocal cords myself, NOT expecting God to vibrate my vocal cords. (And if you whisper the tongues, you don't even vibrate the vocal cords.) Tongues come from your heart, not your mind, therefore, don't expect to see, hear, or imagine words. Tongues flow straight up from the heart, not down from the mind. When you do it -- you know you know you know you have the 'sign' of tongues, just as you know the Bible is Truth and that God hath raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

So my prayer for all of you readers is that you'll continue to ask the Father for tongues; The Father loves you as much as He loves Jesus! Infinitely! Jesus loves you as much as He loves John and Paul! Infinitely! So right now thank and praise Jesus and His Father for their countless blessings toward you.   Now, move ALL your speech muscles/organs by faith, not waiting to feel something, not waiting to hear a word in your mind. It bypasses your mind. Feelings often come later, but the Gifts of the Lord start with faith, function by faith, until one day we see the object of our faith, Jesus, the Finisher of our faith. Amen!  SEE also: "16 Bad Excuses Not to Be Baptized with the Holy Spirit"

See also: "101 Reasons to Speak in Tongues"

and: "Tongues Will Unify the Church in the Last Days"

and: "Amazing Word from the Lord Jesus Christ about Tongues"


Are Tongues the Least Gift? | Are Tongues Needed? | Modern Pharisees | More Holy Laughter! | Q's and A's Re: Tongues | Tongues: Validity & Function | How to Receive the "Upon" Baptism with the Spirit | Slain in the Spirit? | How About Holy Laughter? | Manifestations of the Spirit | Experiences with the Lord | Apostles, Tongues & Miracles | Surprising Pentecostal Quotes! | Controversial Apostle Topics | Buy book: "70 Reasons for Speaking in Tongues", Dr. Bill Hamon, $16 plus S&H from | Quenching Revival | Unpardonable Sin


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