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From: nader yassa <>

To: Apostle Randall Muse

>I was glad to read in your site

> many articles and to learn more about the new wave of the apostolic

> anointing that God is doing & is really timed & needed. I believe this

> anointing is not for the minority elected few handful people BUT for

> the church to be renewed into that level of grace & anointing.

> Of course not all are apostles, but when the church as a whole grasps

> what God is doing they become lifted & renewed to a different mind & expectation.

> I would like to ask you from your experience--How practically can we

> transfer a congregation into that level? For surely there is something

> more than preaching about it!

> Waiting to hear from you during which may His Spirit refresh you & every thing you do.


From my experience, there are several practical things we can do to begin to bring congregations to the level of Apostolic Anointing the Early New Testament Church had and even beyond as the glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former (Hag 2:9), and the end of a thing is better than its beginning (Ecc 7:8).

The first thing we must get the Body of Christ to understand is that apostles are not self appointed men of God coming to set up some self serving dead religious hierarchy. True end time apostles are more concerned about their manner in restoring divine order than they are in being recognized as divine authorities sent by God. With wisdom they will both teach and demonstrate that their Gift is not so they may be recognized as authorities, but so that Divine Order can be restored to the Church, increasing the Apostolic Flow of the Spirit of God throughout the entire Body of Christ (just like in the Book of Acts). While all are not apostles, all can have an apostolic flavor in their anointing and gifts as they accept and cooperate with the modern day apostolic movement. The purpose of the Gift of Apostle is for the benefit of the Saint and not for some self seeking desire to be recognized as an authority.

The Body of Christ must realize that the Church started with the Apostles and can't be completed unless their Gift is recognized and in full operation in the Body of Christ. The first disciples of Jesus were called Apostles. They were the first order of divine government established directly under His ministry and mantle as a Prophet (Acts 3:22-23) and Apostle (Heb 3:1). The Church started with apostolic ministry in full operation and must end with the apostle's ministry in full operation or we cannot be considered an Apostolic End Time Body at all. In the Book of Revelation we learn that the great city Babylon will persecute the "apostles and prophets" during the time of Great Tribulation, who will ultimately be avenged in Revelation 18:20. How can this take place unless the apostles and prophets are fully restored?

Many claim that missionaries are apostles, as some may be. But one of the distinguishing marks of an Apostle that sets him apart from just being a missionary is the "signs of an Apostle".

2 Cor 12:12 Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds. (NKJ)

God gave the apostles a special distinguishing mark that was a seal of God's approval and appointment for that individual minister to the divine office of an apostle. An apostle is more than a missionary, it is a divine office. Calling an apostle a mere missionary is like calling a Pastor a mere church custodian of souls. It is sad to say that there is too little respect for Officers in the Church when in this day and age ministers of the Gospel are despised and looked down upon as being suspicious, even by members of the Church of Jesus Christ. When our Pastor asks us for an offering we question his or her motives every time. How can we be trusting these men and women with our souls when we don't even trust them with carnal things of this world? There is no such thing as "the signs of a missionary" in comparison to "the signs of an apostle".

The Body of Christ must understand the Scriptural definition of an apostle as defined by what all the apostles (way more than 12) did throughout the New Testament. We must understand what an Apostle is and how their ministry Gift equips the Body in order to fully function in apostolic power ourselves. The Apostles did more than just missionary work but founded the whole government of the New Testament Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. So great was their work in founding the government of the Church that they are considered (along with the Prophets) by the Holy Spirit to be the very foundation of the household of God, Christ being the Head Cornerstone or the Chief Apostle and the Chief Prophet of that foundation. How can the house of God stand strong today if it won't let the Apostles and Prophets be the foundation in the divine government of the Church they are called to be today?

Apostles did more than preach to those who didn't hear the Gospel and pioneer Churches in uncharted territories, they delivered the messages that corrected the Churches and kept them going on the very right path. They were the ones who rebuked, confronted, corrected, and loved those who were in error and even exposed sin in the entire congregation when necessary for the health and survival of the local church. Consider the letters to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. These were delivered to the Church by the Apostle / Prophet John. There is rebuke, correction, and reward for the overcomer throughout them all. This was foundational work that went beyond getting a few men saved and appointing a Pastor over a local assembly. They continued to exercise government as officers that brought correction to the Churches when needed, and this is how apostles should be expected to function today.

What would there be to the New Testament if the Apostles only set Pastors over congregations of saved? What would we do with all their instruction, guidance, and rebuke delivered by the Apostles to Churches if everything was supposed to be left to a local Pastor to deal with as far as local church government goes? Apostles loved and were involved with Churches way beyond just their founding. They are a governmental Gift that reaches beyond mere founding that continues to equip and strengthen the Saints of God. Apostles love the Church too much to just found one and then leave it alone. Throughout the New Testament we are reminded of the Apostle Paul's continuing love and work in strengthening the Churches he helped to establish long after they began. He then appointed another Apostle, Timothy, to oversee them.

1 Cor 4:17 For this reason I have sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach everywhere in every church. (NKJ)

Phil 2:19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. (NKJ)

I could go throughout the entire New Testament and list more things than one might even care to know about how much the Apostles did governmentally in the local Churches beyond founding and appointing local elders. What would have happened to the church in Corinth if 1 Corinthians 5 had not have taken place?

Apparently the congregation and the local eldership were tolerating the sin of a man who was committing incest with his father's wife, and it took the love of an apostle to oversee and correct that situation. If the Apostles are only supposed to found churches, why then did Paul confront the hypocrisy of the Apostle Peter in Galatians chapter 2 when Peter would not eat with the Gentiles when certain Jews were present? Why didn't Paul just leave correcting Peter to the Eldership of the Church in Antioch, a city in which Paul was not even one of the founding Apostles of the Church that existed there? Here we have Paul not only dealing with issues in Churches he helped established, but he is seen here dealing with issues in the Church from which he was originally sent (Acts 13:1) and not even a founder of that thing at all!!! In fact, Paul dealt with issues in a Church that was founded and in existence even before his conversion. We know this because the Church in Antioch was in operation while the martyr Stephan was still alive (Acts 6:5), Paul being converted after his death (Acts 9).

If only the Body of Christ would begin to learn, recognize, and acknowledge these things.

Hag 2:9 The future glory of this Temple will be greater than its past glory, says the LORD Almighty. And in this place I will bring peace. I, the LORD Almighty, have spoken!" (NLT)

Eccl 7:8 The end of a thing is better than its beginning; the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. (NKJ)

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Apostle Randy Muse

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