"I have been divorced twice. Can God still use me?"

(The following reply is a response to an actual inquiry:)

Regarding the Issue of Divorce and Remarriage:

There is much false teaching out there about

divorce. Much of the problem comes from

a superficial reading of the Bible, and a lack

of in depth study of divorce and the loving

nature of our heavenly Father. These doctrinal

errors have been reproduced through the centuries.

Earthly fathers are meant by God to be examples

of Him, but we always fall short of His ideal.

Many fathers leave their children fatherless, but

God never does.

Likewise, earthly marriage was meant to be

an example of our future marriage to Jesus.

Our Marriage to Him is the only perfect marriage.

All other unions fall short of His ideal. Some marriages

were never meant to be. If God didn't ordain the

marriage, it is better to be divorced. But how about

remarriage? Divorce is LEGAL annulment of the

marriage contract. This annulment is allowed

by God in His Word.

The ex-spouse has no authority over the other in

heaven or earth. Such a one is free to re-marry.

God allowed divorce because of our hardness of hearts,

the hardness that caused us to be deaf to His voice when

we blundered into the first marriage. The Bible makes

it clear that some persons must be married or they

will burn in their lusts. A divorced person is not

condemned to remain celibate until death. God

says that it is better to marry (re-marry) than to burn.

I'll say again, our Marriage to Jesus is the only perfect


The Lord is prepared for divorce, but does not encourage divorce.

He knows our shortcomings in choosing a mate,

which most people do at an age when they know

little of the things of God.

Unfortunately, some ministers are more quick

to forgive a murderer than to accept a divorced

person, though it may have been God Who ordained

the legal divorce in order to rectify a mistake

made by us in our youth.

Since marriage is a legal issue, let's look at

another legal item, that is, the law of precedent--

if a lawyer or judge can prove his case one time,

then that sets a precedent for other cases.

Let's look at the case where a couple of high

school kids fall in love, hastily marry, and after

the initial thrill wears off, the young husband

leaves town and is never heard from again.

We know that if he is dead, she is certainly

free to remarry. In this case, the husband,

though not a soldier, is like one missing-in-

action. She does not know if he is dead or

alive. Is she condemned to be single forever?

Common law marriages in some states are

formed when a man and woman live together

unmarried for seven years. After that, they are

considered legally married.

If a husband runs away for over seven years,

can't we call it a "common law divorce"? And since

seven years is man's time frame, not God's, do you

have to wait even seven years to remarry? I'm not talking about

the above 'run-a-way' husband issue, but about divorce in general.

God has ordained marriage to be a blessing,

not a curse. God allows divorce and re-marriage.

Remember that one of the first "preachers" in the

Bible was a woman that was married five times. [Jn. 4]

Jesus didn't say to her, "Go and sin no more," like

He did once to another woman. Jesus knew all

about her marriage problems, but didn't talk about

it. He just said that He knew about it. He had compassion,

not condemnation.

We could write hundreds of examples real or

hypothetical, but the end of the matter is that

God is love, and knows the hearts of the

individuals; He knows who is to be married to whom,

and who is to be single. We humans cannot

condemn, we can only offer godly counsel in the

case of marriage, which is a mystery:

Prov. 30:18 There be three things which are too

wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:

19 The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent

upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea;


Eph:5:31: For this cause shall a man leave his father

and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and

they two shall be one flesh.

Eph:5:32: This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning

Christ and the church.

There is no marriage in heaven other than to Jesus.

Therefore, all who are married now will be "divorced"

in order to marry Jesus. In other words, the old contract

of the flesh will be replaced by a better, spiritual

marriage contract. So God definitely does believe

in divorce and re-marriage to achieve a greater purpose.

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